Start here if you have been sued for a personal debt
Answer-General Denial
If you’ve been sued for a debt, in almost all cases, you’ll need to file an answer. Learn how to do that on this page with video and written instructions as well as our podcast episode that is a general consultation for our clients in this situation.
Proof Of Service (POS-030)
Just about every document that you file and give to the other party requires a proof of service. You’ll need the help of another person who is over 18 years old and not a party to the lawsuit. This document is essential and it’s importat that nthis is done right. Learn how to do this here.
Fee Waiver Request
Generally, for your first appearance in the lawsuit, courts in California require a fee from both sides. However, if you receive public benefits or if you don’t have enough money to pay for basic living necessities, you may qualify for a fee waiver and get all your fees waived.
Case Management Conference
Throughout the course of litigation, the court will order one or more case management conferences. These are hearings to talk about the status of the case. A case management form may be required. See here to learn bow to complete this form.
C.C.P. § 96 Request
In cases where the plaintiff is suing for less than $25,000, special rules to expedite the litigation process will apply. Among these rules is an important and helpful tool called the Request for List of Documents and Witnesses to be Used at Trial. This is a time sensitive document, so read here more than 2 months before the trial date.
What does this Document Mean?
Have you received a document and you don’t know what it means or what to do? Check out this page to learn more about documents that are commonly used in debt collection lawsuits.